Hiring Freelancers by a Freelancers’ Network
Freelancers are a flexible solution to extend your team. But how to find the one that matches your demand? In particular, what about quality? A network of trusted freelancers helps in hiring freelancers. Once you are satisfied with one member you can be quite sure to be satisfied with the others.
Collection Societies: The Scent of Descent and Decay
The news of Deadmau5 joining Kobalt once more has shown the attractivity and strength of Kobalt. Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl, Paul McCartney, Skrillex, Lionel Richie. All of them are with Kobalt now. But actually, there's much more to it. Kobalt is the first player to change the music licensing business in a groundbreaking way. In a bold move, a commercial company founded a collection society.
How Artists Can Regain Control In the Post-Streaming Age
With the streaming debate on business models and payment to artists still causing emotions to rise I am missing visionary ideas and elaborate discussions about something else: Which technology is following in the footsteps of streaming? Actually, this topic turns out to be a more than interesting one. It's crucial to artists. Chances are the next generation of music distribution can help artists regain control over their creative output. If you want to hear more, read on and vote for my session to be included at SXSW 2016.
How Facebook Can Change Music Business by Streaming
As Micah Singleton on The Verge reveals, Facebook supposedly is talking to music labels. As in major labels, that is. Key question is: What can we expect? What is it that Facebook is working on? The straightforward assumption is that it might be about (yet another) streaming service. Micah Singleton is right when he doesn’t buy into this assumption. The Verge’s sources are talking of the approach as being "unique".
TextBlade Keyboard: Relieve or Torture?
On March 7th, I stumbled upon a report highlighting a new gadget. It was the first time I heard of WayTools’ TextBlade, a really tiny and foldable keyboard (not just) for mobile devices. I ordered it right away.
Mad Machinery: DJ Shiftee & NI Traktor DJ Hit The Streets
Awesome. In this video, DJ Shiftee takes creating music on an iPad to another level with Native Instruments' Traktor DJ. Music making apps are more than gimmicks and should be taken seriously. With serious fun. - Thanks to Ronny from Kraftfuttermischwerk for posting the video before!
Cultural Commons Collecting Society with Jason Sigal (FMA) & Chris Zabriskie at SXSW 2013
Last year, Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S) submitted an entry to SXSW's Panel Picker. You may remember our call to arms to help vote for us in late August. Actually, and only with the help of our supporters, we made it. The session "C3S: Putting the Revenue in Creative Commons" has been held last week on Wednesday.
Bending Creativity: DIY Electronica Hardware
I always love to visit Oliver Chesler's blog "wire to the ear". Better known as The Horrorist, he presents his own view on tech & gear. Which is pretty inspiring. The most current blog post features Tanner Galvin, a so called "circuit bender" from Portland, Oregon.
“SpaceNight” und Creative Commons: Wie das Zusammenspiel aussehen kann.
Der Bayerische Rundfunk startet im Herbst wieder seine Reihe "SpaceNight". Ein Kernstück des Re-Launchs ist die durchgängige Verwendung von Musik unter Creative-Commons-Lizenzen. Gemeinsam mit anderen Kollegen der C3S (Cultural Commons Collecting Society) hatte ich diesen Schritt als naheliegende Alternative vorgeschlagen. Hier das Konzept, wie die Zusammenarbeit aussehen könnte.
One Stop, All Screens: Songpier Launches Comprehensive Solution For Facebook, Desktop And Mobile
Press release: Starting today, Songpier offers a unique promotion platform for artists covering all screens. Based on Songpier’s web apps, artists and labels alike are now able to build high quality, glossy presentation kits for Facebook, desktop, tablet computers and smartphones at the same time. Build once, cover all on-the-go.