Know what: I f***ing hate having no web in train. For four hours. Four hours I could have been working. Ok. I give up. I’m playing around with my my cell phone now to tweet… then again – it’s no iPhone (and I really wish I would have one). But no, not available with any plan at Vodafone. So I’m still using my old Sony Ericsson P1i. 4 chars on 1 key. Great.

More hate. But I’m in dire need for good vibes. Yes (I’m saying that to myself). Yes, I AM going to enjoy SXSW, Austin. Btw, did I mention first we’re going to spend two days in Miami Beach, prepping up for SXSW? We got a hell lot of things to do to get the maximum out of SXSW for Berlin’s all2gethernow, aka a2n.

We keep on being told that everybody’s looking forward to a2n, having heard great things from other people. Obviously Amanda is doing a lot of recommendation here (big thx to Sydney!) – and another one whom I don’t want to mention yet… he’s even recommending us though he wasn’t around last year (you know who you are – already owe you a lot).

If success at SXSW comes just close to what we have started and drafted for a2n – you damn better get a ticket for a2n.

Now I’m enjoying my ride.

P.S.: As you can see: There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, which is a tunnel without web nor power supply. Found it.

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